Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I know how it will feel when I find you
If only I can keep that feeling in mind
And practice it
So that when some counterfeit comes my way
I will know
That's not how I'm supposed to feel
That's not how it's supposed to be

I know you are not perfect
But I know that being with you
Will feel like I always thought it would
That I will be the most radiant bride

And I'd like to see that


I can't eat it all
but I can take bites of all the juiciest parts

you never really feel good
when you eat the whole cheeseburger
and all the fries
including the ones that are burnt to a crisp

just eat the icing off of that slice

or pick the strawberries off of that shortcake

and tie the cherry stem with my tongue


Like a phoenix
rising from the a--
or maybe this is going to be
the worst day ever


I feel like I am wasting away

Where can I spend myself?

On you
On you
On you

You who love me totally

If I ever believed you were real
Now is the time to believe it
If I ever said you were all that I needed
I need you now

Maybe I need to accept a future
Of desolation
And loneliness
To embrace a life that is neither of these things;
But that in you
Is both full
And fulfilled