Wednesday, November 3, 2010


When my parents celebrated their 25th, I was two years old
I don’t remember much about their silver years
but I was around when their marriage turned to gold

I missed the floor casserole and Casey number one
I missed the neighborhood fairs and some of the fun
but I didn’t miss the family room or cutting down the tree
and I didn’t miss Enfield or throwing out the tea

I missed skating on the driveway and Dad’s muddy hair
but not Cursillo weekends or the LaSalette Fair
I missed the camping trip from hell and trips to Manomet
but not the camper trip from hell or visits to Cotuit

I missed some of the loving
but I missed some of the fighting
I witnessed the day my dad gave up drinking
because my life began the day my mom got drunk

I missed the day she kicked at him
when he was "horsing around" with force
I may have missed their wedding
but I thank God they missed their divorce

This is what I’ll remember
and what is forgotten, I’ll never miss
as far as the heavens are from the earth
in the sea of forgetfulness

--Written for the occasion of my parents' 50th Wedding Anniversary, 2004 (with edits by my Mother, 2011)

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